Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I find that people refuse to listen. Stubborn to learn and in being ignorant become even more so. If you are hungry, feast on the bounty before you, if you are parched, drink from the well, if you are naive, learn. Learn from books, from magazines but mostly learn from others who actually know what they are imparting as knowledge. But beware, and here in lies the rub, those in a position to teach, sometimes are they themselves the ones that need to learn. Just because your dad is your hero, it doesn't mean he's the smartest guy on the planet. Believe me, I work with some fathers and I have nothing but pity for the fruit of their loins. These guys are more dense than mercury. Stupid people should not be allowed to have children. Darwin was wrong, the fittest are not the only ones to survive, the moron gene has seemed to stabilize over time and mutate into some sort of super gene, better yet, stuporgenetics has taken over the intellectual playing field and actually given the Socratarians a good run for their money. We are outnumbered for sure. In my travels and dealings with the populace, I have come to the conclusion that there are entire races out there that share this stupor gene. Now I am the furthest thing from a racist and truly I respect everyone, I may not agree with them but I do give them their propers, but Jesus Christ, (I'm shaking my head) there are some pretty stupid people out there. Forget about the purple kool aid drones I spoke of earlier, I'm talking the ones that hear echos all the time because there is nothing but space between their ears. I'm talking about people who have never formulated an opinion of their own and mimicked the statements they hear from others. Those people who ramble off at the mouth using words that they heard somewhere that have no place in the sentence they are constructing. I read in an article many years ago, that speaking is the riskiest thing you can do. The sheer act of talking is so fast, in that your brain has to formulate the thought into a coherent manner and send the message to the mouth and tongue to form the words and get it out in a manner that doesn't make you look like an idiot. Well for the aforementioned idiots, somewhere this synaptic power play is lost at one, some or all points of the formula. Not only is what they are saying stupid, but they are saying stupidly. Have you ever had the sever displeasure of being stuck with a real fuckin' idiot for an extended period of time? Not that a minute would seem like an eternity , but an extended time frame? It is the most painful thing in the world. Give me root canal without freezing instead. I could shoot myself.

You know I really hate stupid people. I think when you find some one stupid, you should be able to kick them. At least smack them in the head and say' What are ya, stupid?' Haul off and crack that empty Casaba melon and listen for the echoing thud within. That's the test for a melon I'm told. Stupid people are a strain on society, get rid of them all and send them to some desolate place where they can flourish, uninhibited by the restraints of thought. Someplace, any place just get them out of my face. I've got too much shit on my plate to have to explain things three, four ,five times something you should already know. Get the hell out of here and for Gods sake do not get behind the wheel of a car. If thinking is this hard, operating two tons of steel on the highway has to be impossible. I've seen them, you've seen them and there is no reason for me to elaborate.

Line them up, and shoot them all.

God I hate stupid people!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Smack-Crackle POP

For the most part, I have a good life. I've never been arrested, and by today's standards, and yesterdays post, is pretty damn good. You see, I was too damn scared to do anything that would get me arrested. I'm a fair sized guy, and have been since I was 12, but that didn't keep me out of the cross hairs of the boys in blue. It was my dad. God bless him, I love him dearly, but Christ he used to scare the shit out of me. All of 5'6'' and strong as hell and a temper on him, I shudder thinking of how much it affected me. Now, before we even get out of the gate, I was in no way, shape or form a battered kid. I grew up in a European. Some places you where turbans, some your custom is carrying daggers, others burk has in the European culture, and true to tradition, you smack your kids. Hell even distant family could swat your kids. You stepped out of line and WHAM!
God I remember days running faster than greased lightening to get away from the ol' man. Being shorter than me the bugger could move, but when you heard that belt flop through the belt loops of his trousers, fuck Red Bull, that sound gives you wings. I got shit, on a regular basis, but always well justified, not that I thought so back then, but my dad was always fair. One time, I remember calling my mom a bitch when I was about eight or nine and my dad was on me like white on rice. I took off up the stairs running. Why run upstairs? I found out recently that it is much closer to God, and by some miracle He might hear my prayers, I don't know. Actually I do know because the ol' man was hot on my heels and that day I not only got the belt, but I got the buckle end as well. Ahh those good old days. My Mom wasn't no slouch either. She had a damn holster on each hip and an arsenal of projectiles that were the early stage tracking devices for skud missiles. She was somethin' good ol' ma. But you see, what came out of all that, oh so long ago was, dare I say, respect. Now some of you might scream, but I'm not going to listen, I believe that fear breeds respect. You don't fuck with Hells Angels cause you know what they can do, so you respect, their presence. You don't want to go to jail, you respect the law. It's that simple. There are so few of the guys I grew up with that ever ended up in jail. Maybe the drunk tank but nothing more severe. But I find that today's topic infuriates me. 'Oh no, no, no. We don't spank Johnny, we talk things over with him. We don't believe in corporal punishment.' Good for You. You dumb ass piece of shit. Cause when Johnny torches the couch in the living room and your whole frickin' house goes up in smoke, you can 'talk to him' about it along with the insurance dude. Talking to your child only goes so far. Sure I talk to my kid. Once, twice, three times Wham! and WHAM every time thereafter. Call the cops, I never hit my kid to kill him, I hit him to jar the brain cells back into alignment. At thirteen they get gummed up with thoughts of boobs. I talk, you listen, you learn. Hell I've become my father, 'You live in my house, you follow my rules!' I hope my son hates that saying as much as I do.
Corporal punishment is not abuse. Your kid cried when he was in the crib and you let him cry so he could get used to sleeping by himself. That was tough love they told you, Hmmm? Now here you are with a kid that's lippy as shit and you want to talk to him about things. News flash. HE AIN'T LISTENING!! He's so tuned you out long ago that you have no clue. Grounding, taking away their shit, go ahead talk to them.
But when you're driving down the street and some punk as little 8 year old jumps out in front of your car and tells YOU to fuck off, wonder what his parents talked to him about. Gone are the good old days when the village raised the child and they could get swatted for the times your ol' man didn't catch you. These kids don't need a belt, they need a big dose of respect and it comes in the for of a shit kicking of a lifetime.
One word- Military School.
I'm sorry that's two words... sorry...slap me.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Truth and other Relics

A couple of days gone from my life. All to quick go the weekends. I seemed to have cooled off somewhat from my previous weeks venting . Although, like ones lungs, one can never really get rid of all ones lungs capacity, I am here again with good ol' Eddie Haskell. What a guy! Prim and proper with the Cleavers and a sleaze ball out of eye shot from them. All too familiar with that . Today I find myself wondering about Eddie, and how his style of presence is mimicked by so many. Act one way and then when I don't see you act another. I just don't get it. Call a spade a spade and to hell with what others think. In the long run it will save your sorry ass because it wont come around a bite you in it. I tell my son, if you tell the truth, you don't have to have a great memory. Tell it like it is, sure you'll upset some people who can't face the truth but, if you are honest with how you feel then, that is really what matters. I can't help you deal with your crap. Yeah, yeah, you have to respect peoples feelings but in the long run, like Ricky Nelson said,
"You see, ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself." I can sleep better and don't have to worry that I have to hide the truth, you should feel better that you know the truth.
So what is truth? Reality? What the fuck is reality? I think truth is what is untainted. Either by bias or emotion, free of agenda of self fulfillment, pure unadulterated analysis of an event. That's sound about right. I find that we are spared the truth, By our parents, our 'good' friends and by the media/government. Do all of you really accept 911 for what they say it was? Do you believe the crap in Afghanistan and Iraq? How 'bout the Moon Landing? Hell I don't know what to believe anymore.Hell do I even exist or is this just some perverse dream that has me working myself to death?
And there sits Eddie, smiling at the top of this post, knowing full well I'm buying the bullshit he's heaping out. Oh Eddie, borne in an era of government propaganda, just like us today. My question is when do we all wake up and catch onto this charade. When do we stand up and say "Fuck you. You're lying!" When do we, as a communal body stand up to the machine and ram a bar up its gears and halt the destruction it's wreaking upon our lives? Have we not had enough kicks to the groin to say 'I've had enough!'
This is what I see, whether you agree or not,is fine with me, but don't lie, there is a very small group that runs this world like it's their own little sandbox. You can play with this shovel, you can have a bucket and the rest of you well tough shit, wait your turn. This world, this country, and yours, are ours! Not the few, all of ours. Not the Rockefeller's or the Illuminati, ours and I tell you there are far more of us than there are them. You don't watch enough television to see what you do with a school bully. Alone you get the crap beat out of you, but together you fuck him up but good, and you're guaranteed that he'll never bully again. So you just going top sit there and let some silver spooned dip shit get into office because Mommy and Daddy know lots of rich people? Half these idiots have no idea what the hell it means to actually work. I mean WORK!. Busting your as and praying the roof will cave in so you can get a break kind of work. And they have the unmitigated audacity to tell me that they know what is best for me? Fuck you! You don't even know what's best for you! Blinded by power and knowing that you have none of it. Pushed around by your parents bank roll friends with their own agenda on how to get richer. We know these things. Our problem is that far too many people believe in the direction and the decisions you make, like sheep to slaughter. Following the ass end of the poor bugger in front of them. I shake my head.
Waco, Texas. Remember. The Government was so pissed off with that. You know why? Because they got hold of the governments agenda and Koresh started using their secrets on how to influence people. Same thing. Exactly the same thing, just on a bigger scale. And all of us who had rage against those in the compound felt justified because the the FBI and the other agencies were with the government and storming the place was the right thing to do. I'm shaking my head again. Oh you poor misguided, naive souls. There is no hope for us. There will come a day when all of this will come to light. Someone up there is going to screw up and then the shit will hit the fan. You think that coupes are just in third world countries? Hell, my belief is that this country is just too damn big to throw a successful coup. But when that day comes, and we all realize we've been fucked up the ass with no lube, you will see the cataclysm. That will be Armageddon. Were not talking four horsemen type of thing, Gods rage and such, I'm talking the gates of hell will open up in every soul and take down the walls of servitude and eat those rich bastard politicians and tycoons alive.
Hey it could be.
But then again I could just be another Eddie, keeping the truth away from your delicate ears.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

No news is good News

Thursday, thank what ever supreme being you believe in that tomorrow is Friday and a I can, as George Bailey said it, "Shake the dust off this crummy ol town and see the world!" Not that I'm going anywhere, what with the kids and the wife and an old house that always seems to need something done to it. Like yesterdays post. Something always seems to fixed or rearranged or uprooted or done.
What I see, is that so much needs to be done and, unlike my house, it never gets done. OK I lied, I got crap from lists made out months ago that I haven't done yet, but right now I'm not talking about my foibles, it's a hell of a lot easier to talk about others'.
So how was lunch? Never mind. I figure if you've come back to this page you are a like thinker or the NSA. Hoping you are the former, I can gather my material was not as offensive as I had originally thought. You see, I don't think in a linear fashion. That is my mind jumps from here to there, picking up all sorts of information and places it together in some sort of mosaic that makes sense. You hear this news and some from there and they maybe completely unrelated on the superficial level but they are puzzle pieces that match in the grand scheme of things. News doesn't come from one source. Looking at it from one perspective gives you only one angle. One news program, owned by one guy(or group) gives only one side. You tell me you are un-biased and I will tell you you are either a liar, a manipulator and a charlatan. I heard it before, "when you own the news, you can tell people what you like." My philosophy is a simple one; Listen to the story, Look for the spin.
There is always a spin, hell the world is always spinning, most days my head is so why do you think that the news is any different. I have already posted yesterday that there are enough vacuous minds out there that will eat up anything that is handed to them. When you have a the general populace, reacting with Pavlovian response to the governments doling, it is a simple pivot to move them to whichever direction you want them to go. Jump, duck, roll or play dead. There was a great movie called Idiocracy. Actually it was so incredibly lame that it almost questioned the financial backing minds, but I am going astray. The movie takes place in the future and shows how the entire country believes everything that the government tells them; Gatorade will make crops grow. The slap in the face that this film brings comes close to the stinging venom that Pleasantville attacks the average American. Now before you get all sensitive on me and what did you say about Americans, it's in the movie and my point is there, watch it think about it and then tell me I'm wrong. I love Americans, its the government I question. And here we are back at square one talking about the manipulation of the populace, by whom? Hello!
We are the government! Whether you live in America or Canada or England or any other country, hell even China. The fundamental unit of the country is its populace, and what we all fail to realize, or have just succumbed to the age old idiom, that our politicians know what is best for us and act on our behalf. Give me a fuckin' break. Politicians are out for their own self serving purposes. If they cared about what you and I thought, gas would be cheap, the bloody war would be over, New Orleans would be fixed and we would have a cure for cancer. Their indifference has a trickle down effect and it is attacking every aspect of our lives. Kids have no respect, spouses have no respect, employees and management and the poor bastard who is just trying to get by is being shown that everybody is out for themselves. Why? Because when all is said and done and the news goes off, Leno makes you laugh to make you forget that the government is trying to scare the living shit out of you so they can get what they want. I'll tell my kids about the Boogy man to scare them into behaving,(No I won't, but I'm getting to a point) What makes you think that the boys in their comfy cushy chairs, getting blown by interns, aren't using the same game plan?
Think about it.
Listen to the story, look for the spin.
Lets hope the spin is not the same one going down the toilet.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Van is here

Here I am. As I clack away at these keys, for the billionth time in my life, It think of why I'm here. Why am I here, not on this earth but on this page. I come to the realization that the world is full of such insane behaviour, that I just shake my head and wonder why more people don't get hurt putting their pants on, (seeing as they don't come with instructions.) I am a spectator of life. Don't get me wrong, I participate in it head long, but many a time I prefer to marvel at the sport. The comings and goings of people. Especially the ones that , how should I put it, are stupid. I hate stupid people, I have no patience for them, even though my wife tells me that those are the ones I should have patience for, I hate her logic. But for the sake of this entry, I don't have any.
You see, I, like some of us out there, have two brain cells to rub together. I don't believe everything CNN tells me, I formulate my own thoughts and have no shame in voicing them much to the dismay of the masses, who stand in line to drink the purple Koolaid. Drink up you morons from the cup of propaganda. Hey, I'm not an anarchist, I am a thinker. Not some puppet with the governments hand up my ass telling me what to buy, hate, trust and think. I abide by the laws of the country, of morality and social compliance. I try and make the world a better place than what it is, and where it's going. On a Japanese bullet train straight to the deapths of hell. Man if we could all just take two steps back and see where this thing is going we would have to wonder who the hell is at the wheel. Take three steps back and you notice that Supertramp was right in Crime of the Century, "Oh no, that's not right, hey whats the story, Well there's you and there's me." We, in this case, does not include me. I'm that guy that says, "You can't do that!" and tries to get you and you and you to take off the shades of indiference and strangle those bastards that are taking this world of ours and basteing it in shit and serving it up as filet mignon to the masses. Bon appatite you idiots. I've pushed myself away from the table and have had enough. A revolution of sorts, a grass roots movement that grows ever so slowly as each drone wakes up from the catatonic state of mesmorization and realizes that they are eating shit and actually enjoying it. Until we all get on board, brush your teeth before you talk to me.